Message from the Chief

Fighting fires is a very important task, but a modern fire department does much more than that.

During a typical year, for example, nearly 87 percent of the calls handled by our department are for emergency medical service.

We also rescue people who are victims of all kinds of accidents and we are prepared to help victims of natural and man-made disasters.

The fire department is responsible for saving lives and protecting property. We deal with fires, explosions, accidents, medical emergencies, toxic materials and a variety of other threats-often under extreme circumstances.

Because of this, our firefighter/paramedics train constantly to keep up-to-date with changes in equipment, technology and techniques.

Please look through our web pages. You’ll find a variety of useful information about safety, fire prevention and medical emergencies.

We are proud to serve our city and we appreciate the support we receive from our community. If you have any questions about fire safety, or any other questions involving the fire department, please give us a call.

Briant Galgas
Fire Chief

For all information regarding Fire Department employment, please visit the Middleburg Heights Civil Service Commission page.

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Core Values

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FF Oath of  Office

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Information to come

What is the Fire Department phone number and address?

The business line is (440) 243-1313. The address is 15800 Bagley Road.

My water is brown; what do I do?

Go to the lowest part of your home and run the cold water until it clears. If it does not clear after 10 minutes, please call the Fire Department.

Are you accepting applications for Firefighter?

Call Civil Service at (440) 234-8811 for information.

How do I get rid of old fire extinguishers, fireworks, paint or hazardous materials?

Visit the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District opens in a new windowwebsite or call (216) 443-3749.

What hospitals will the ambulance take me to?

Southwest General Health Center, Parma Community, Parma Kaiser and Fairview General. In most emergencies, the closest hospital is the best choice for rapid treatment. The decision is made by medical control if necessary.

Do you give away smoke detectors to seniors?

We do not, but if you are alone and need help changing a battery, we will assist you when possible.

Does the City have a CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team)?

Yes, Captain Ed Szoke is the MHFD CERT team contact. Our CERT team members are co-located with the BrookPark and Berea CERT teams. If you are interested in joining the CERT please contact Captain Ed Szoke at 440-243-1313 and learn how to fill out an application. CERT Training academies are taught through the EMS office as Southwest General and are held regularly when there are enough applicants to hold a class.

Does the Fire Department provide CPR, AED or Fire Extinguisher training?

The Fire Department does provide many different types of training. Call and the secretary will take messages for our trainers regarding setting up a session. Also, once a year, usually in March, a basic CPR class is given in conjunction with the Recreation Department. There is a charge for the class. Call in February for details; otherwise, contact the American Red Cross or Southwest General Hospital to schedule a class.

Does the Fire Station offer tours for children?

If the child or group lives or attends school in the City, we can usually schedule a tour. Please call the secretary and she will assist you. Tours are limited to a certain number in a group for safety purposes.

Can I use the fire hydrant to fill my swimming pool?

Only licensed contractors can use the hydrants and only with the proper permits.

Can I burn in the fire pit that I purchased?

Contact the Middleburg Heights Fire Department or Cleveland Air Quality Department for additional information and regulations regarding open burning. Download the Outdoor Recreational Fire Rules brochure opens in a new windowhere.

The History of the Fire Department

As a township and village, Middleburg Heights was served by volunteer firefighters from the early 1800s through 1945. The volunteer service started in pioneer times with neighbors and buckets of water. Eventually, as people worked together, volunteer firefighting became more organized. It started to modernize in the early 1930s, when our volunteer firefighters were housed in the lower level of our current city hall building, constructed in 1932. In addition to building a new village hall and providing space for firefighters, the village council also asked voters to pass a $7,000 bond issue to buy a fire truck and equipment for the fire department. In 1945, the village council created a professional fire department. Firefighters were paid $1 per hour for all fires attended and $1 per evening for time spent on duty in the fire station. During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the department continued to evolve with the addition of a fire truck (1951) and a rescue squad (1954). In 1956, a new fire station was built after villagers approved an $85,000 bond issue to pay for it. At this time, there were five full-time firefighters. By 1959, there were six full-time firefighters, plus the chief. Firefighters took Red Cross first aid training in the late 1960s. By 1975, paramedic training was introduced and the department purchased its first advanced life support rescue squad. In 1991, a wrap-around addition was added to the old fire station, creating the modern station we know today. Currently, there are 26 full-time professional firefighter/paramedics serving our city, plus an administrative support staff.

Middleburg Heights Fire Department

Middleburg Heights Fire Department Wins Award

The Mission: Lifeline team at the American Heart Association is excited to continue recognizing EMS agencies for applying the most up-to-date evidence- based treatment guidelines to improve care and outcomes in the communities served. Prehospital personnel are the first providers of care to patients suffering from cardiac emergencies. The role of EMS in the system-of-care for these patients is crucial and often sets the course for the patient’s outcome.